Googan Bandito Bug

4" Length
- Perfect For Action and Fish Won't Let Go!
- Elongated Claw
- Creepy Pinchers
- Ribbed Body
- V-Ridge For Action!
- Slaunch Sauce Scent
- Stuffed with Salt

Googan Bandito Bug

Googan Bandito Bug
Googan Bandito Bug Googan Bandito Bug Googan Bandito Bug Googan Bandito Bug Googan Bandito Bug Googan Bandito Bug

Googan Bandito Bug

4" Length
- Perfect For Action and Fish Won't Let Go!
- Elongated Claw
- Creepy Pinchers
- Ribbed Body
- V-Ridge For Action!
- Slaunch Sauce Scent
- Stuffed with Salt